


I was reading DigDeeper’s piece on the toxic schooling system and figured I’ll piggy back off him and say my piece. I highly recommend to read his first. Pikorin has a good piece on education as well if you want to read it!

The education system is one of those fun topics to discuss among friends/peers. You can tell where they stand just by bringing up education. I bring up my mom (no degree) and my sister (phD/doctorates) as examples. It’s funny how alike they think despite their ‘intellect’. They both worship the news, authorities, and are compliant. The only difference between the two of them is that my sister spent roughly 10 years memorizing pharmaceuticals and other ‘intelligent’ fields such as social justice (joke). They believe in titles. It’s never a problem with the education institution but the students fault (dumbing down the curriculum). While that’s true to a certain degree, do we really need to learn advanced calculus? If I have to do complicated math, you better believe that I’m writing a program or getting one from github or gitlab. I’m not investing my time just to show people that I’m super duper smart!

The people who are typically viewed dumb are pretty smart in their field. A simple analogy would be training a fish to climb up a tree. A fish won't do any good on land but performs outstanding in the water. Different people have different skillsets. Life would be pretty boring if we were all the same.

Small rant

I say this constantly. Experience and critical thinking skills are really the only things you need. My experience in the military taught me that those are only the two things that you need to not be a mindless cog. The guys with these skills are usually the guys who leave which leaves only the bad ones. It’s funny how the common excuse in the fleet/work place is a lack of ‘manpower’ even when they reached their quota. It always baffles me when senior leadership who have been there for 20+ years ask constantly for advice to improve efficiency only to throw that advice in the trash. The bureaucracy behind the ‘front-line’ supervisors and workers are so disconnected that it makes me wonder if they’re actually human. Ok, enough ranting about that aspect. I can go all day, really. I have anonymous surveys to back that up.

Critical Thinking – SCHOOL (experience)

Before I became classified as a ‘Conspiracist’, I was similar to my mother. A degree was a sign of intelligence and I wanted one. I wanted to prove to myself that I can be smart if I put in some effort. I was in college trying to get my RN (registered nurse) and we had a two week long discussion on vaccines. The first thing we did before we had any seminars was attempt to isolate the people who might be vocal about the curriculum. They had an anonymous survey on who was an anti-vaxxer. I didn’t care about vaccines at that time but I believed in the science and voted for vaccines. We were showed the results and I believe only two said that they didn’t believe in vaccines. Oh boy, that became a witch hunt. I was surprised to see how blood-thirsty the students were trying to find out who was the anti-vaxxer. Of course, we never found out who that was in that setting. If he revealed himself, he would’ve been burnt at the stake. We had discussions on why 50% of the country were considered anti-vaxxers with the main reason being ‘lack of education’.

That opened my eyes. How could 50% go against the science? Is education really the reason why people don’t want vaccines? Why did everyone blindly cheer that they were different since they were ‘educated’? 50% of a country is a large number and they just gobbled up the excuse that my professor told them? That survey was such a surreal experience. It was like a frenzy of sorts.

We continued with our lessons and I slowly began to understand why people were against vaccines. First, vaccines were based on a strain of a dead virus. My main question was how could a dead virus trigger your immune system to attack it? Then it became that it was a weak virus. How could people get sick from a weak virus? I then started to become an outcast by asking all these questions. This whole process blew my mind. Was college a place to think or a place to obey? 90% of the students were military and service-members are usually prideful, more so with the rank on their collar. Life at college became a chore that I loathed. It makes me think of this video. What's going on - Animation

I’m glad that I didn’t pay any attention in public schooling and just did my own thing. I just assumed I was retarded and was going the military route so why bother doing something that I hated. I looked at my transcript and I was pretty close to the bottom of my grade. Back then, I was always compared to my amazing smart straight ‘A’ sister so I gave up as an act of rebellion to my parents. Turned out to be a blessing in disguise!

Critical Thinking – MILITARY (experience)

Most service-members blindly do what they’re told. There needs to be structure otherwise they’ll fall apart. To be fair, I was the same way. It was until I was given responsibility that I began to change. Responsibility for my actions and those around me. If people are not afforded the opportunity to grow via responsibilities, consequences, or room to grow (spark creativity) then they will remain like children.

It’s a strange sight seeing a grown man near his 40s act like a teenager with rank behind him. This happens because they are pushed through the system and are awarded for such behaviors. The same childish leaders expect those under them to think just like them. Conformity.

If you don’t conform, you can be replaced. Some people compared it to kicking out people for refusing the covid vaccine. Kicking out those who think differently from the rest of the herd. That’s just the surface. They view us as easily replaceable only to complain that they can’t easily replace us. It’s such a weird thought process but that’s how they think. Nevermind the fact that it takes time to train somebody on how to do that specific job. It can take years depending on how complicated the system they’re operating/repairing is. These spots can remain vacant for months or years but they make up for it by forcing somebody to pick up the ‘slack’. Over time, you’ll see that only one person is left and is expected to perform the duties of five people. Even better than that, throw service-members at the problem until it becomes even worse then hold a poor soul accountable for that mess. If you bring up that fact then you’re selfish and it was ‘you’ who made the problem as severe as it was. If you can’t perform, don’t expect to be promoted and expect to be hated. They suffer because the leaders above them make terrible decisions via their horrific planning skills. The people that make these decisions will continue doing so because NO ONE will ever hold them accountable. Why? Because they’re children who are looked after by children who the system favors. They like the idea of bossing people around not fully understanding what they’re doing. There is no critical thought behind their actions, just emotion. It makes me think of Mr. Jones plantation. Or my personal favorite, you're being SELFISH.

Purpose of the Military - Experience (Unrelated rant somewhat)

Most service members never really ponder what the purpose of the military is. Don’t get me wrong, most service members truly think we’re fighting for freedom. Leg got blown off? It’s for the greater good. You served something much bigger than yourself! Why did we go to the middle east? Is it really for freedom? Questioning these things are unamerican and unbefitting of your rank (if it’s high). It’s so silly. I’m not going to talk about war being theater yet but, people do get hurt and the military do deploy to these locations. We do conduct training like we actually go to war.
People speaking out

Videos on Education

List of videos based on education. It's been a while since I last watched.

Animation - John Taylor Gatto
Frankfurt School 1
Frankfurt School 2
Laws behind home-schooling (based on Texas but good overview)
Human Resources - John Taylor Gatto
