

You Matter.

Your life has value. It has worth. If you’re depressed and unhappy with your life, there is meaning behind it. Even if you forget the value of your worth: one person will remember. There will be times when you forget. Most people live their lives without knowing their worth. You are special.

My wife is depressed over the fact that she doesn’t have any hobbies. No ‘real’ job/career. Happy successful friends to remind her of that. Not a lot of friends at that. I’m sure a lot of people can relate to her.

People would consider her a failure. People would consider you a failure in one capacity or the other.


Why haven't you killed yourself? Why haven't you 'quit'?


Have you attempted to kill yourself? Put a M9 (pistol) to the front of your head?


Deep down you know the value of your worth. I still doubt myself constantly but, I know. You know. You were hand selected to live in this time. Even if you don’t have the strength now, you will later. It’s painful. It’s even more painful being isolated. Being lonely in your misery. I’ll tell you what I tell myself daily.


Endure just a little longer. I’m not going to preach my faith. Just endure. It gets better. It might get worse than before just when it starts looking good. Endure. You know yourself best. You are precious. Your soul has significant worth to endure all these attacks so far. You’ll slowly come to realize that yourself.