For example, Measles gives a 1 in 10,000 risk of death, and that victim will either be low on Vitamin A or already malnourished. The MMR vaccine brings a 1 in 640 risk of seizures, which can lead to lifelong epilepsy and brain damage, so with MMR it is a no-brainer to avoid it.

MMR Vaccine - Is it safer than Measles?

Polio is a disease of poor sanitation, if you live in the first world it won't be a problem. More about Polio from Suzanne Humphries MD

Flu, the problem with the flu statistics is that flu deaths also include pneumonia deaths, there are actually very few flu deaths per year, most are pneumonia and those are generally people already on their death bed, so that's another one to skip.

DPT - Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis, it has been shown that people who receive this vaccine actually have a shorter life expectancy than those who avoid it. Another one to miss!


"DTP was associated with increased mortality"

Here's a video from a doctor who compares the risks to the theoretical benefits of each vaccine one by way

We have to take into account that most of what we are told is simply fearmongering to sell a product, as you can clearly see by comparing the differences is attitude before and after the measles vaccine was introduced.

So best thing is to try your best to eat healthy, avoid antibiotics, vaccines, pharma drugs, even avoid Tylenol, Aspirin and Ibuprofen. Let the body do what it has evolved to do i.e. survive, trust in your body, look after it, take exercise, try to stay happy as that will boost your immune system and overall health.