Take a Piece

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Read Me!
If you spent the time to look up my website (from my card) and feel that something is 'wrong' then you've come to the right place. Answers to my card if that's all you want.

Hello, it’s me your crazy conspiracy Christian again. It’s been close to two years since my last post. A long and short time. I’ve been going through stuff… I didn’t deliver on anything from my last post such as the memes or learning how to play my guitar. I usually delete my previous posts, but I’ll leave it there for me and others to see what I am.

Like I said 2 years ago, I’m a hypocrite. Maybe I should talk how denying the vaccine over the years made me lose my sanity. Made me someone I’m not or showed my true colors. I don’t know, both are equally bad in my books. Building up resentment and bitterness in my heart. The isolation, the disappointment in those around me, the regret, the constant doubt, destroying all credibility and future promotions forever… all of the above…

I lost all semblance of myself. The tears, the frustrations, and God’s silence. Was it all worth it? Do I have that little faith in God? The constant thoughts of self-deprecation. Was I seeking a reward from God through my trials in this world? Was it a trial from God or from my own stupidity? The sad part is that God never drifted away from me. I drifted away from him wallowing in my guilt and shame. A Christian is supposed to be a representative of Christ. How can I represent him?

I stopped posting because I’m lacking. I talk the talk but I can’t back it up. Who am I reaching? I’m a dummy who tries to be a jack of all trades but fails in everything. I try to make posts and stuff but it’s just mediocre… This is just a rant and looking back on what I made from this website, this has been… calming. Sorry for the long read, but I just wanted to post this tiktok.

The tiktok below has been the best explanation to me on why there’s evil in the world. I really like it. Enjoy.

Why there's evil in the world

** Break **

To those who were suprised with the olympics. Isn't that daily life for you? Getting mocked or seeing Christinaility mocked daily? Where I work, saying Jesus Christ or God's name in vain is the norm. You can pull up anything from Hollyweird or walk around the mall or something. It's not suprising that the world hates Christ. Pray for them as they know not what they do. I know forgiveness and praying for them is hard. I spent months painfully trying to forgive those who slandered me but... they really don't know anything better.

Olympics tiktok

Update: 8/12/2022
Changed my intro/header and moved it to previous posts (txt file). Consider reviewing my latest post, Vaccines. Whole load of tiktoks, videos, articles, and everything. I tried to put as much I can without making it too boring.

I want to go back to making posts about the Bible. I'm gearing towards making tiktoks using anime pictures, verses, and animations. Example (without verse). I know, I know, anime/manga. Should I tip my fedora or something? Anime/manga has always been an eye-catcher for me and I think it can be used to at least get weebs to the Bible. I'm trying to learn how to play the acoustic guitar, after effects, photoshop, and clip studio paint. I set up everything for free on my computer including the software and brushes for everything. All I need to do is learn how to use these tools. I'll probably make a post about making Christian memes as I learn it myself.

Even if you don't believe in Christianity, it's ok. I was like that most of my life (I know I repeat myself about that but I can't help it). The posts I plan to make will be useful to anyone who wants to learn how to use those programs above and the resources I found. In highschool (it's been 10 years for me, wow) I found Christians to be weird and I always avoided the topic of God. Sal, my friend was a Christian and I remember talking to him about what would happen when we died. I was stupid at the time and said something along the lines of, "when I die, I die. I'll become the fertilizer for the trees and that's that." I now know that type of thinking was me being lazy but, I think back to my past calling Christians hypocrites. I'm the biggest hypocrite I know! My cup is both dirty outside as it is inside (Matthew 23:25-28)! Even today, I haven't changed much. I personally can never go up on a podium and preach the gospel as I'm probably worse than the people listening to me lol (James 3:1). Anyways, rant over.

"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9:7

So take a piece of my information!

Contact me
Email: takeapiece@protonmail.com

Quick Links - Extras
Take a Piece Themesong?(volume warning)
Previous Posts (txt file)
1984 Rap
MASS PSYCHOSIS - Losing Touch with Reality
Power Brokers - Documentary COVID (Dubbed as original was Swedish)
Humility - Compassion for others