

** Imagus and Legend **

I highly recommend the addon above (Imagus) for both chrome and firefox. Lots of videos but most are tiktoks or short videos as I wanted to keep it short. I'm not defending tiktok, but no one wants to spend hours watching documentaries. (*) will mark 10-20 minutes and (**) will mark around the hour mark. (^) will mark pdf and (%) would be highly recommended.


1 minute summary% and huge info dump covering everything in a cleaner and more professional matter.

I figured it’s about time I covered vaccines. I was in the middle of writing a post on the military and my experience requesting a religious exemption but, I scraped it and decided to cover vaccines in general.

With this plannedemic/pandemic still taking their role on the ‘global’ stage (albeit minor now), people shared their opinions on vaccines as a whole. I would say that a large percentage of people who turned down the covid vaccine still believe in vaccines in general. One of the main arguments you heard was that it wasn’t FDA approved, not enough clinical data, or that it was rushed/badly advertised. Some believe that the rushing of the vaccine and the lack of factorial guidance (whatever that may be) is why half the population in the US flat out refused. They would claim: while covid was rushed, other vaccines have empirical data. While I would like to argue that’s not the case: I understand how most people were raised to unquestionably believe whatever is on the tv or to seek ‘authorities’. I see plenty of that with my parents and people I work with in general. I listed all my sources and a surprisingly good chunk of websites survived excluding youtube videos. Those were utterly wiped off the web. Look for them at the very bottom. Beware, long list!


I’m classified as an anti-vaxxer which leaves me biased. I understand that educational institutions (hans wormhat yt) require that both sides are presented (despite my time in college requiring their side to be heavily skewed for a good grade) which is why I refreshed myself on topics that most people would probably ignore. “Debunking Anti-Vaxxers” - It’s pretty cringe and it’s even sponsored by Bill and Melinda Gates*% which makes it authentic*. Authentic in relations to his plan in world depopulation**. Gates explained simply. The other side of the argument is heavily sponsored by Google and multiple government agencies. Vaccines are accepted by society as a whole. Do I really need to cover their side extensively? Just google search something you don’t like and I’m sure the top search will dismiss that very point.

There is no mainstream info that will cover these sorts of things without already having a bias towards pro-vax already. Big Pharma has already bought everything and is one of the largest lobby in America. This is why you must read, think, and act for yourself. Nobody is looking out for your health and the people you trust are only looking for the highest bidder. You are your own best source of information because it is up to you to learn to protect yourself because nobody else is as invested in your life as you are. Here are some common assumptions you would already have on vaccines.

If you can consider that there might be a connection with illnesses and vaccines then I’m happy.


Official Sources

Sorry to burst your bubble but the news and the government lie. It’s all smoke and mirrors. The silent minority will always be silenced by the vocal majority. Good and simple raps that explains it, Lukas and MacDonald. News% like* this will never be reported*.

But, it’s not “peer-reviewed”! Those “peers” will do their best to cover up and hinder this type of investigation into vaccines. It’s career suicide for those who investigate products of a trillion-dollar industry. The government can deem you as a “terrorist” and raid labs for those who go against their interest as they suddenly become a threat to “national security”. Makes you think if the Wuhan lab was ever raided? I always think back to those nurses/doctors who got fired for refusing the covid vaccine. Who would you believe? Psychopaths and charlatans of Big Pharma or people who are willing to lose everything (listen to end)?

Propaganda is a powerful tool. Best case study on vaccines similar to today, the swine flu and analyst*. This might be just my experience but, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. If they feel that you’re attacking their ‘identity’ then they’ll immediately reject you. I don’t know how to fight official sources when I also use official sources. Whatever they strongly believe is their official source.

Oddly enough there’s a lot that can be said on how reliable official sources are. Corporations are known to be heartless and money-driven. Do you think the government/scientist/doctors behave any differently? I repeat this constantly, look at your family and friends and see how they behave. What if they were in positions of power? How would they behave? Below will some interesting pointers.

Case study outside of vaccines on how to use fear: The Iron Dome*
Visual representation on how they manipulate minor things into big problems.
Rabies – Is it really that scary?
Case study on how they manipulate people
This is how the news brainwashes the masses via subliminal and confusion

Hopefully these pointers will at least make you question the people you hold in high esteem. Now onto vaccines themselves.


I’m using the debunking anti-vax video sponsored by Gates as my guide on which topics to discuss. In the past they refused to even acknowledge the ingredients in vaccines so I guess this is a step forward. While I can appreciate the boldness in claiming that thimerosal is no longer used in childhood vaccines… it doesn’t help that independents studies find multiple contaminations in vaccines. I wouldn’t be surprised if what they consider no trace of thimerosal is them simply raising the threshold required to LEGALLY show that there is no thimerosal. Like anything below 10ml is legally not sufficient to be considered an ingredient. I understand that 10ml is way too much but I used it as an example. While one would believe that vaccines are at least monitored, that isn’t the case at all. You can view more lawsuits from ICAN here as well. The sad part is that I did read some articles stating that thimerosal is no longer used in childhood vaccines since 2001 however, I don’t believe that is the case at all. If there’s anything I learnt about COVID and my religious exemption is that there’s loopholes. These loopholes make them technically/legally correct but are designed to trick you into believing a false claim. A common trend I see in medical studies is that they make things unnecessary difficult. “But, you’re not a doctor! It’s not targeted toward you!” Yes, I’m not. However, everybody relies on abstracts. A good abstract breaks down the purpose of the study in the simplest terms. Everyone, including doctors, don’t want to waste their time trying to understand an abstract. They can make it appear that 75% agree in this study which makes you believe that 75% agree but you’ll be a fool to believe that claim. You’ll have to perform calculations that’s in their study which results in a completely different answer. Why not skip that and just simply put it in the abstract? I don’t know. When people want to hide stuff, they make it difficult to find/interpret.

If I lost anyone to the trickery in medical research... Simply put, it’s like trick questions on a test. You know the answer to the question but they’ll phrase the question deliberately to make you choose the wrong answer. They’ll put in one key word which completely changes the context behind it. When I was an instructor, this was always frowned upon. Our advisors would tell us to get rid of those types of questions. People do it to raise the difficulty of a test or to teach students to pay special attention to detail. In many cases with Big Pharma, the ‘special attention’ is 100s of pages of research. Bad practice.

Moving forward… they list toxic chemicals and then list good stuff which can become toxic if too much is consumed. Dose = Poison. First of all, food and drinks get processed through multiple checks in balances in the body. The stomach. While it’s true that too much puts a burden on the body and becomes toxic, I wouldn’t compare it to the poison in vaccines. Back to the stomach aspect of it, these poisons get injected straight in the bloodstream bypassing the natural process (stomach) via a needle. Before the body has a chance to filter it, it circulates through the body via the blood and goes straight pass the Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) into the brain. As these poisons are small, it passes right through vice other poisons. Any quantity of aluminum in the brain is a big no-no. There are studies that these substances stay in the blood and take a long time to get filtered out. Imagine an infant… Their bodies are already in the middle of development. Add poison to that mix. It frustrates me when he says it’s negligible. If it’s negligible then NO ONE would get hurt and NO ONE will be skeptical about vaccines. Congress wouldn’t need to pass the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (NCVIA) which states that that manufacturers cannot be held legally responsible for ANY harm their vaccine causes. There wouldn’t be a federally law stating that vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe”.

Minor topics: Skittles, Skittles pt 2, and Potasssium choloride

Natural = Bad

Eating healthy summarized. Why does the medical industry always find the need to mock natural remedies even when they also use plants? Are they implying that we need them? If you pay attention to the news (don’t blame you if you don’t) then you’ll probably find that they’re trying to make everything synthetic. They want complete control on what goes into your body. Anyone who doesn’t play along becomes a 'threat'. Doesn’t this sound like they’re trying to play God? Have you considered how they process food? Are they also not using ‘natural’ in vaccines? If you have a chance, watch Dr. Stanley who was a leading authority for vaccines and see what exactly is in the vaccine and the process behind it. 2020 Documentary by Hibbler Productions gets some good highlights from his interview (6:30-10:10).

Why do they feel the need to mock natural remedies? It’s because that’s what they pushed. Look up vitamins and supplements and find out what’s in them, its everywhere. If you think it’s limited to just supplements and vitamins, you’re wrong. If it’s not fake then it’s heavily processed. This isn’t anything new. Corporations, the air, the snow, the water, even countries themselves acknowledge how poisonous the food really is. On my deployment, I got to see the effects of how strong preservatives really are. How they can make a disgusting mush look edible. We know what’s in them with soda being a great example. Another good example would be pesticide.

Big Pharma would always be against the truly natural/organic process as that is the CURE. It’s a shame that everything produced by ‘them’ is so fake. I talk to people about this and they understand these chemicals are in their products however, nothing gets done. While I can understand food (regretfully so) due to not starving… I can’t understand minor products like sunscreen (refer to Defy your Doctor and be Healed for sunscreen example at the bottom). It could be simple conditioning but, it could be something more underlying. Take the video I’m referencing for example. If it’s sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates, maybe do a search on them. Final stretch and now onto simple cures!

Hopefully I convinced you that Big Pharma does not have your best interest at heart. The simple solution would be to simply not eat what they’re selling us but, I can understand city life and the difficulty behind it. Exercise can be cumbersome but it’s essential. Dandelions can be a free and effective tincture. Herbs, plants, juices, and simply getting away from high processed food can cure most of your illnesses. While I don’t like to advertise buying products and try to stick holistic, people do use unconventional methods to cure themselves. Don’t become Big Pharma’s slave and become dependent on their drugs like diabetes! Somewhat unrelated but sheep blood has a serum against snake venom and you will eat zee bugs! Common foods banned in different countries.

Pedialyte, dandelions, the doctrine of signatures, getting away from government (organic), and finally fluoride for our water.


It’s been a while since I last heard this argument. Speaking from memory, any protein in a vaccine, especially if given with an aluminum adjuvant, can create an immune response in some people. If the immune response is really strong against it, the body will become allergic to it.

I don’t have a lot of papers saved on allergies and I’ll link whale as my main point of reference as they link some papers themselves. They brushed over this so I guess I will too. Allergies were not a thing until the release of vaccines.

Diseases - Severity

Looking through school textbooks/guides from the late 1900s and a couple of videos. Not bad or heavily exaggerated to push an agenda. Or lies and deceit to establish that agenda. Looking back in history, the real pandemics were the chemicals that were distributed like DDT. Video* on the connection between DDT and Polio.

If you’re feeling adventurous, research the Spanish flu. The connections with today.

Research for yourself. These diseases are not what they seem to be and determine for yourself the severity of these diseases. When the first pandemic kicked off, there were plenty of videos on Fauci and aids. There’s plenty of avenues to start.


First of all, no. anti-vaxxers don’t rely on a single^ study from the 1990s (157 studies in hyperlink). A lot more research gets done. The main thing that most anti-vaxxers looked at were the ingredients and the effects it had on the brain. From there, we can tell something is off and taking into consideration Big Pharma’s reputation… A multi-trillion industry has a lot of push. So much push that 10/13 authors caved due to pressure/threats. Not a good point… I never understood how these people use the logic of making an example out of others to push their point.

When I was in school learning about the effects of aluminum, this study was my ‘to go to’ (since the video wants me to rely solely on one study). I hinted earlier about the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) and the effects it had on the brain. Aluminum adjuvants cause inflammation in the brain and at a young age this inflammation causes permanent damage. The study above breaks it down and I highly recommend it. Another site, breaks down in simple terms and lists what exactly the ingredients do. The middle section discusses autism specifically,

Dr James Lyons-Weiler of the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge is a scientist who formerly believed there was science backing up the claim that vaccines are not causing autism. He began to research and found that actually, that is NOT the case. While claims are made that dozens of safety studies have been made, the actual science is very lacking. No studies have been done in long-term double-blind placebo-based manner, which is the gold standard for scientific inquiry. In fact, the pro-vax science is heavily skewed by pharma influence, and the CDC does only “reactive” studies. The science is NOT SETTLED.

Balance - Parent and Government

This argument. This singular argument is why so many passively submitted to the COVID vaccine (this or coercion). Herd Immunity^. This tactic is effective as you can brand any anti-vaxxer as evil and SELFISH. “I don’t care what you do until what you do affects me.” If the vaccine is there to protect you, then why does it matter if I took it? Isn’t the whole point of the vaccine in the first place is to protect you from me or the illness in general? If it’s only effective if everyone takes it then that’s a bad product.

But, the whole point of this segment is to protect those immunocompromised. Those who can’t afford to get the vaccine. Not just you you filthy selfish bigot antivaxxer! While I provided plenty of evidence stating that vaccines does more harm than good and does the exact opposite (including shedding which makes it worse for them)… Let’s go with the idea that it does what it’s intended to do. First of all, old and young people are not that weak and vulnerable (outside of those who relied on big pharma)… For those who are immunocompromised, I think having a destroyed immune system is far worse than potentially getting sick from an unvaccinated individual. This irrational fear of getting sick or getting scared of germs has to be recent

I seen bad parenting. I can understand how there should be oversight. I don’t agree that it has to the government and not your family (cousins, relatives). I understand the counter point especially if there’s no one who knows what that child is going through. I also have seen how the government is only incompetent to those it doesn’t care about (poor, least fortunate). I seen how good parents are stripped from their children at a moment’s glance while bad parents are left scout free. I don’t have a solution except for self-accountability.

Trusting the government is bad

This is rich coming from Bill and Melinda (as they sponsored them). I think I made my point on SEVERAL reasons not to trust the government. Explore my website. Ponder about certain events. Think critically. I think 9/11 would be the easiest example on how far the government can maintain a lie but it’s up to you to dig around. I’ll keep this short as I’m sure you’re tired of me beating a dead horse.

Main takeaway

Religion (Christianity)

If you're like me, sometimes we need to break it down

Does objective morality exist? But muh Bible is written by man so it can’t be real. I was the same way but eventually I discovered that something is wrong and that there is something more sinister in the background. Putting your trust in man will always fall short. Something that most people may know about the Bible is how satan offered Jesus Christ all the kingdoms in world. Imagine what he would own nowadays. Pharmkeia and Great Merchants pushing their traditions.

Temples are still here. Wizards, witches, and warlocks were rebranded, not necessarily medieval as you seen potrayed in media. This world won’t give you true fulfillment and not everything is obvious. Christians are not there to be the bad guy. Everyone can be saved. People are intentionally blinded.

A lot can be said, so I'll link some good tiktoks below.

We're not as good as we think
How we act matters
Confusion and learning
Endurance and patience
his-story (history)
Control the narrative
Symbols since the fall of the towel of babel
God chose you
Noah was the first conspiracist
Sin, Sin Sin, and Sin
We're sinners in front of a Holy God
You're called
Sorrow is better than laughter
As it was in the days of old
The Love of God
Being Broken
What the Mark of the Beast would look like
The Holy Ghost
The blood houses the soul (Levitcus 17:11)
You will know the truth and the truth will set you free
What's allowed and what isn't allowed (mockery)

Closing remark.


Lots of reading. Lots of information = too long didn’t read. I don’t blame you which is why I chose tiktoks over my longer videos (1 hr +). Some things to make you think a bit. I tried keeping it short but, yeah… I’ll try to make a cute animation or something but I’m not too tech savy. Make it more easily digestable.

I’ll eat my words if Bill and Melinda Gates or even AsapSCIENCE (any representative) answer the below request. Give me an argument on why the Covid ‘vaccine’ is not actually FDA approved (meaning it’s in the actual market) AND why manufacturers cannot be held liable for any vaccines. That’s it. Give me that. Anyways, hope you get something out of this! Birb!

Good Videos that I recommend

Slave Labor
Looking back
App on what to avoid
Parkison and parasite cleanse
Agenda on keeping us sick.
Real jobs
Money summarized and dollar sign
Quick compilation on covid vaccine
Heart monitor
Alzheimer's Disease
Worship music can be sick
Chronological order
Sudden and unexplainable
CV19 stuff that I couldn't find to place anywhere else.
Poison, poison, and poison
Antidepressant vs covid
Spirit of slumber
Mercury degeneration
The government is there for YOU!
Do as your told
God is not our babysitter
Being left alone is a threat
5G (as I think 5g is the most mocked out)
The future of the QR code
Side effects of COVID (long list)
Getting fired
Big Cities is one of their playgrounds
Food and Bill Gates connection
God and Flat Earth
Saturn/Black Cube
Is he even real?
Coincidences (read the comments)
Fake everything
Trying to change the system
Roe vs Wade
Trying to be that guy
Initiate operation monkeypox
Viruses are parasitic
UN redirecting as per usual
Take into consideration
Chem-trails and ba'al
April Fools!
Interesting facts about guidestones
Even demons know your name
It's always us
I’m busy bro
Star of Moloch
Big and small, rich and poor
Remedies, remedies, remedies, remedies, remedies, remedies, remedies, and remedies
Research is bad
Actors, moviesets, rockets, and CGRI
Have to reveal themselves in some sort of way
Seeing is believing
Snake connections
Holly tree and Hollywood
For Free
5 monkeys - social experiment and comments

Free Books

Sanitation vs vaccination% - Key points from multiple books compiled into an easy to read powerpoint.
Dissolving Illusions AND EPUB
Defy your doctor and be healed
12 Essential Medical Secrets Which Could Save your Life
Vaccination Proved Useless and Dangerous
Anyone who tells you vaccines are safe and effective is lying, here's the proof
Vaccines, the biggest medical fraud in history
Vaccination - The Hidden Facts
The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies AND EPUB

HTML on Vaccines

CDC and trust
Science says so
Others risk cough
Detailed long page
Vaccines worth
Vaccine discussion
Vaccine Intro
Vaccine Hep_b

Links on Vaccines

Beginners Guide to Vaccines%

whale vaccines

whale vaccines memes

NIH Database if you want to look for yourself

Great website on vaccine

6 Part on Measles

Vaccine Damage

Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated

Survey shows doubt in vaccines

Amish and vaccines

List of potential injuries from vaccines

Pretty version on Pharma’s vaccine (shown on HTML, long info dump)

Holistic doctor receiving death threats

Holistic doctor found dead

Collection of holistic doctors found dead

Example on list of settlements from vaccine injuries

Do you know what’s in the vaccine?


Page on links to vaccines

Example on granting waivers for vaccines

Good reddit post on vaccines

Bills that are used to try to prevent education

Metal debris in vaccines

Vaccine safety research archive done by children's health defense

Measles vaccine kills more than measles

200 signals of harms links to vaccination

Abstracts done by greenmedinfo

Over $4 Billion paid for vaccines injuries and death

Pushing for more vaccines (always)

300 pages of scientific studies on the risks of vaccines (mentions greenmedinfo)

What people say about greenmedinfo

Detailed post on aluminum and the brain

Autistic Brains have High Aluminum Levels

Family winning autism court case

Under-reporting of VAERS

Good post on the assumptions of a pro-vaxxer

Pro-vaxxer doctor who defended several court cases for vaccines switched sides (gets fired)

Whales post on neuological disorders and vaccines

Overview of the safety for vaccines

Vaccinated spread diseases (as shown by covid as well)

What’s expected if you push anti-vax studies (think of meme of car that runs on water)

MMRV vaccine analyzed by lab

Who funds doctors?

Are Vaccine Ingredients Safe

Detailed descriptions on vaccine

Whale on vaccine ingredients

Vaccine Ingredients continued

Nurse experiences with vaccine reactions

Why are people doubting vaccines?

CDC responding to omitted vaccine-autism study

Herd Immunity

Pesticide in up to 70% produce

Spanish flu – Military Experimental Vaccine?

Detox Vaccine

Measles vaccine causes seizures in 5,700 annually?

Why I would never vaccinate my children

Merck hitlist on those who oppose Big Pharma

Merck accused of stopnewalling in mumps antitrust lawsuit

Merck suit continued

Silencing people

Monsanto attacking studies

Measles vaccines kill more than measles again

Don’t push fake news on vaccines! WHO doesn’t like that

FDA study “Forever chemicals”

Live paycheck to paycheck

Profit over health

Cervarix vaccine trigger health notice

Conflict of interest – WHO

Conflict of interest – CDC

Former CDC head lands vaccine job at Merck

Government and Big Pharma

Increase drug sales

Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated

Government and control

Everything is fake and gay

30 studies on the link between vaccines and autism

Pain and addiction to keep us compliant

All vaccine research leads back to bill gates and eugenics

ID202 back in 2019

Conspiracy theories proven true (#19 and #25 is pretty funny)

Vaccine’s peak

Vaccine research

Reddit post on vaccines

Big Pharma creates customers not cures

Faith in medical community

Several government studies on autism and vaccines

Court Cases

Court case on manufactures being exempt

Here are 83 cases reviewed by lawyers

Supreme Court Unavoidably Unsafe

A dose-response relationship between organic mercury exposure from thimerosal-containing vaccines and neurodevelopmental disorders.

Relative trends in hospitalizations and mortality among infants by the number of vaccine doses and age, based on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 1990-2010.

Is infant immunization a risk factor for childhood asthma or allergy?

Measles outbreak in a vaccinated school population: epidemiology, chains of transmission and the role of vaccine failures.

A positive association found between autism prevalence and childhood vaccination uptake across the U.S. population.

Hepatitis B vaccination of male neonates and autism diagnosis, NHIS 1997-2002.

Abnormal measles-mumps-rubella antibodies and CNS autoimmunity in children with autism.

The plausibility of a role for mercury in the etiology of autism: a cellular perspective

A case series of children with apparent mercury toxic encephalopathies manifesting with clinical symptoms of regressive autistic disorders.

Aluminum in the central nervous system (CNS): toxicity in humans and animals, vaccine adjuvants, and autoimmunity.

Increased risk of noninfluenza respiratory virus infections associated with receipt of inactivated influenza vaccine.

Effectiveness of trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine in influenza-related hospitalization in children: a case-control study.

Speciation of methyl- and ethyl-mercury in hair of breastfed infants acutely exposed to thimerosal-containing vaccines.

Comparison of VAERS fetal-loss reports during three consecutive influenza seasons

If you made it this far, here's a cool video.
